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Performance Management

Improved Productivity, Retention of talent, Skill gap analysis, Performance scorecard

  • Performance Scorecard

    Based on the nos of reviews done through out the year, software generates a balance scorecard, which is then used for Appraisals

  • Transparent evaluation process 

    Setting the frequency of reviews, employees self rating to manager rating, reviews & comment, all is transparently captured with the performance module

  • Retention of talent

    regular evaluations keep everyone in sync, employees gets required training and grow their career with you while the organisation goals are met.

  • Skill gap analysis

    In spite of good intentions, when the skills are lacking, performance suffers. One to one discussions can lead to gap recognition. Help Improves performance.

Once you experience the transparent way of performance evaluation, you will ask:

How did we manage without this all these years?

Thorough, transparent, and timely performance evaluation for better productivity.

Thorough, transparent, and timely performance evaluation for better productivity.

​​​​​​​Manage and organize your performance management sessions, as per your organization's needs!


Configure Performance system

  • Defining KRA of an employee
  • KRA weightage
  • Defining the competency rating
  • Review duration & frequency

Performance process & workflow

  • Employee self rating
  • Manger & reviewer rating
  • Area of improvements
  • Training need analysis


  • Balance score card
  • Bell curve
  • Appraisal rating
  • Publish to payroll

​15% HR Automation Principle In Action:

It's possible to involve multiple reviewers and approvals for KRA rating

It's possible to involve multiple reviewers and approvals for KRA rating

Set KRA as per duration

Set KRA as per duration

So, To Wrap Up....

Performance Workflow

Performance Workflow

KRA & Goal setting, set the frequency for reviews, performance improvement feedback & rating

Skill Need Analysis

Skill Need Analysis

During the review process, gaps are identified, based on this training needs are generated

Performance Bell Curve

Performance Bell Curve

Bell curve is generated at organisation, department, or location level.



Annual score card based on performance rating is generated. Based on the ratings, appraisal are released

​​​​​​​Why go through the pain and compromise of a lesser system?

Get in touch to experience our deep automation & micro-feature capability

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Application Tracking System

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BOT Enabled Onboarding, OCR Document Reading, Employer Branding, For Improved Candidate Engagement!

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Training Management

Training Calendar, Training Feedback, Integrated Gamified LMS Platform For Employee Skill Building!

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Time Attendance System

Geo Fencing, Real time attendance, Rule Engine for An Enterprise Attendance Experience!

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Leave Management

Leave policy, Leave workflow, leave credits & balance, Paid days resulting in accurate payroll data!

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Time Sheet

Workforce planning, clocking of hours, client approval and billing. Ready for COVID times & WFH practices!

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Expense & Travel Management

Travel policy, itinerary planning & approvals, claim settlement, Cost centre wise reports. For hassle free business travel experience!

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Contractor Management

Contractor Purchase order, contractor attendance, billing and compliances. Ensuring adherence!

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