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Time And Attendance

Geo Fencing, Real time attendance, Rule Engine for An Enterprise Attendance Experience!

Time Attendance
  • Contactless Attendance system

    Face detection, contactless attendance marking, mobile based geo attendance, WFH, time sheet based attendance marking.

  • Attendance Rule Engine 

    30+ rules can be configured. Rules like working hours, late coming policy, short working hours, weekly offs rules, OT rules. All can be defined & mapped to graydes & working locations.

  • Enterprise Attendance Software 

    Employees request for regularisation of attendance, OT approvals, shift planning, compliance registers, absconding alerts. It serves all the requirements to generate accurate paid days for payroll.

  • Gamified Online Attendance System

    ​​​​​​​Points are earned for marking of attendance, regularising attendance. With the Leaderboard and announcement of winners, gamification is a perfect employee engagement platform

Once you experience the power of Time Attendance Software, you will ask:

How did we manage without this all these years?

Opportune's Time Attendance System is an an integrated bundle of biometrics and software solutions.

Time Attendance

Here is what makes the Opportune Attendance software India’s most recommended system!


Attendance engine

  • Geo location creation
  • Time Attendance rules
  • Monthly attendance locking
  • Attendance approval workflow

Attendance features

  • Rostering / shift scheduling
  • Realtime attendance tracking
  • Attendance regularisation
  • Attendance report / Alerts / MIS and Analysis

Attendance experts

  • Attendance domain understanding
  • PAN India local support for biometric
  • Biometric on cloud implementation​​​​​​​
  • API for attendance integration

​15% HR Automation Principle In Action:

Opportune's T&A module can be customised to suit your industry’s business scenarios.

Opportune's Attendance module can be customised to suit your industry’s business scenarios.

SAP integration for sharing of attendance data to generate payroll.

SAP integration for sharing of attendance data to generate payroll.

So, To Wrap Up....

It’s an attendance platform!

It’s an attendance platform! 

OpportuneHR’s attendance module Cuckoo Tech is a leading enterprise attendance platform with multi location, real time attendance capturing capabilities.

Powerful rule engine

Powerful rule engine

More than 30 rule engines can be configured. That covers almost all attendance scenarios.

Innovative features

Innovative features

From geo-fencing to fake finger detection, finger template on the cloud to push based technology, you will find everything here.

Gamified Time Attendance

Gamified Time Attendance System

This leaderboard enabled system converts attendance marking from compliance to employee engagement!

​​​​​​​Discover Why OpportuneHR Is The Best Attendance
Software In India!

Get in touch for experiencing our deep automation & micro-feature capability

More about Employee Life Cycle!

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Leave Policy, Leave Workflow, Leave Credits & Balance, Paid Days Resulting In Accurate Payroll Data!

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Time Sheet

Workforce Planning, Clocking Of Hours, Client Approval And Billing. Ready For COVID Times & WFH Practices!

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Expense & Travel Management

Workforce Planning, Clocking Of Hours, Client Approval And Billing. Ready For COVID Times & WFH Practices!

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Contractor Management

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Application Tracking System

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BOT Enabled Onboarding, OCR Document Reading, Employer Branding, For Improved Candidate Engagement!

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Training Management

Training Calendar, Training Feedback, Integrated Gamified LMS Platform For Employee Skill Building!

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Performance Management

Improved Productivity, Retention Of Talent, Skill Gap Analysis, Performance Scorecard

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