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Time Sheet Management

Workforce planning, clocking of hours, client approval and billing. Ready for COVID times & WFH practices!

  • Easy Time tracking

    Weekly time sheet submission & approvals. Advance Planning of estimated project hours. Resource & project wise efforts' analysis can be done.

  • Workforce planning

    A calendar view of all employees and teams, across projects. Daily, weekly and monthly calendars showing pending and unallocated hours.

  • Accurate Billing

    Once the time sheet is approved, actual billable hours is derived. In case of In-house activity, the resource salary cost is booked to project cost centre.

  • Project configuration

    Define the project, its estimated hours, project lead, client lead & approval workflow. Map resources & estimated consumed hours to the project.

Once you experience the power of Opportune Time Sheet, you will ask:

How did we manage without this all these years?

Opportune Time sheet: More than HR this is a business module. Project management in action.​​​​​​​

Opportune Time sheet: More than HR this is a business module. Project management in action.

Have an eye on time, enhance Human resource ROI by 25%


Project time allocation

  • Allocate resources & time line to projects
  • Allocate no. of hours for the project, against each resource
  • Allocate project in-charge [reporting manage & client side approver]

Time clock-in

  • Each resource will log its time against the Jobs & activities allocated for the projects
  • Project in-charge can approve / send back to revise the time sheet
  • Time sheet can be saved in draft mode too

Time sheet Analysis

  • Comparison report: Hours allocated V/s consumed
  • Data can be used to review internal costing & generate invoicing
  • Data can be used to evaluate employees performance

​15% HR Automation Principle In Action:

Integration of time sheet with attendance

Integration of time sheet with attendance

Advance planning of resource deployment

Advance planning of resource deployment

So, To Wrap Up....

Time sheet for All industries

Time sheet for All industries

Time sheet is not restricted to only IT & Engineering firms. It is now extensively deployed & used by Architects, Sales team, event management companies & many more!

Employee reporting made easy

Employee reporting made easy

With easy to use interface, employees can submit their weekly time & efforts against each project & activity in detail. Helps ensure productivity.

Efforts approval by clients

Efforts approval by clients

Keeps everyone on the same page, enhances trust, helps clients plan things better at their end. Smoothens the billing process.

Time sheet management

Time sheet management

Project creation & time allocation against it, resource time allocation against a project. Tracking of time consumed by a resource for a project. 

Discover Why OpportuneHR Is The Best Timesheet
Software In India!

Get in touch for experiencing our deep automation & micro-feature capability

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