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Training Management 

Training Calendar, Training Feedback, Integrated Gamified LMS platform For Employee Skill Building!

  • Publishing of Training Calendar

    Training needs are identified, calendar is planned, published to respective HOD. Employees can view the training calendar too.

  • Integration with LMS platform

    OpportuneHR API natively integrates with partner LMS platform. It offers unmatched Gamified learning experience for your employees.

  • Mapping of Employees for Training

    As per skill-gap and training need analysis, map the employees to various trainings in the organisation. Employees can also self nominate themselves for training.

  • Training Feedback

    OpportuneHR template based feedback form allows employees to share feedback on trainer, content, training arrangement.

Once you experience the Opportune training management platform, you will ask:

How did we manage without this all these years?

Plan, publish and manage training effectively.

Plan, publish and manage training effectively.

Create a training calendar that empowers employees, builds new skills!


Training planner

  • List of trainings & its schedule
  • The trainer, internal or external
  • Approved Budgets

Training Attendance

  • Mapping of participants by Manager
  • Self nominations by employees
  • Participants attendance marking

Training outcome

  • Design the feedback template
  • Feedback of the training program
  • Training effectiveness follow up

​15% HR Automation Principle In Action:

Integration with L&D platforms and external content Feedback form can be customised as per organisation needs

Integration with L&D platforms and external content Feedback form can be customised as per organisation needs

We also have a gamified online learning platform which makes learning easy and fun. Participants can learn on their own pace.
                                             The platform is optimized for individual learning style.

We also have a gamified online learning platform which makes learning easy and fun. Participants can learn on their own pace. The platform is optimized for individual learning style.

So, To Wrap Up....

End to end training management

End to end training management

Training need identification, scheduling of training calendar, training execution. OpportuneHR training module automates all your steps.

Easy nominations

Easy nominations

Based on performance management skill-needs report the manager can map employees to the training. Employees can also self nominate

Integration with LMS platform

Integration with LMS platform

With OpportuneHR API capabilities, you can integrate with any LMS platform.

training success evaluation 

training success evaluation 

configurable feedback form allows to capture extensive training insights from employees. It allows to rate each parameters of the training 

Discover Why OpportuneHR Is The Best Training
Management Software In India!

Get in touch for experiencing our deep automation & micro-feature capability

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