HR Challenges In BFSI Sector: Some Proven Solutions!

How to keep the human spark alive in the highly analytical world of the banking and financial services industry? That’s the foremost question facing HR managers in the finance sector, especially when the sector is facing challenges of adopting rapid business growth and disrupting Fin Tech innovations!

And then, digitalization is changing the game altogether.

These factors pose many HR challenges that are unique to the BFSI sector. It is an uphill task for Human resources managers in financial services companies to manage these changes.

Let’s go through these challenges and understand what can be done about them.

Talent Acquisition And Retention Challenges In the BFSI sector.

A survey shows that 70% of CEOs in the financial services industry regard the availability of important skills as a threat to their business growth.

This predicament has many dimensions.

It’s an understatement to say the employee turnover rate in the BFSI industry is high. Actually the iteration rates are rising on an unprecedented scale. This simply puts recruitment and employee retention a high priority for HR managers in the banking industry and finance companies of all kinds.

Banking and Financial service sector employees must have good analytical skills, as well as superior communication competencies. Such talent is in short supply, while the competition to acquire them is fierce. All organizations vying for a limited pool of skilled workers make it especially tough for smaller organisations to attract better talent.

As the industry continues to adapt to technological advancements and regulatory changes, the demand for specialized expertise is only increasing with every passing day.

Because the rapid pace of change within BFSI demands employees who are 1) proficient in traditional financial practices and 2) hands-on at utilizing modern technology.

Data analytics, risk management software, and cybersecurity measures- notes are just a few areas where such expertise is essential.

Hiring such talent is only one side of the coin.

On the other hand, even more challenging is retaining current employees!

A competitive benefit package is often a determining factor when employees consider whether they want to stay with their current employer.

However, an employee value proposition is changing. Benefits alone do not guarantee retention. Workplace culture, employee engagement, and development opportunities also matter a lot for candidates. Many talented individuals seek workplaces where they feel valued— not only for their skills but also as integral members contributing toward shared goals.

Large Number Of Employees, Huge Volumes Of Data.

The BFSI sector is people dense business. And volumes of data are huge. That presents significant challenges for growing companies in this sector.

Because basic attendance hardware just can’t take a large number of attendance and time data inputs. Especially at peak times. And without total automation, handling of manual data creates errors. Payroll calculation and payslip generation of large volumes is also tough.

Obviously, with such fragmented approaches, data-driven HR decisions can’t be taken.

It is also difficult to communicate with a diverse group of employees, in different geographical locations. That too with different cultural backgrounds. As the sector companies work pan-India, in multiple states. And in rural as well as urban areas.

A Large Number Of Field Employees: BFSI Sector Reality.

Client relationship plays an important role in BFSI companies. This means the ‘feet on the street’ percentage is higher, with employees meeting partners and customers. This is a major challenge for HR teams.

As they put it–

Working on organisation culture is a dream. Even operational activities like attendance capturing become a challenge.

While geofencing can work to a certain extent, when employees are moving into internet-dark rural zones attendance and timekeeping is also tough.

Disrupting Business Models And FinTech Innovations!

Digital technology and fintech innovations are a blessing for the BFSI sector. Consumers are discovering better ways of engaging with money. Overall, financial awareness is on the rise. That’s encouraging news for the sector’s growth.

But on the other hand, HR managers find it challenging to cope with continuous innovation.

A senior HR person expressed it well:

It’s easy to implement technology, but getting people to change is difficult. Before employees learn new ropes about a technology, something else displaces it. AI is a new opportunity, and a challenge, too. Every technology brings new compliance issues and security threats, too. So regulatory requirements are added, and internal policies must be changed.

Here are some key areas where these challenges manifest:

  • Skills Gap: The rapid pace of technological change demands new skills. Particularly in data analytics, cybersecurity, and digital marketing. HR managers need to identify and recruit talent with these specific skills.
  • Adapting to New Technologies: HR managers must facilitate training and development programs to assist existing employees in adapting to new technologies. This includes both technical training and soft skills development.
  • Employee Resistance: Employees may resist change due to fear of job displacement or unfamiliarity with new processes. HR needs to manage this resistance effectively.
  • Competition for Talent: Fintech ventures, especially those that are funded well, often attract top talent away with innovative work cultures and competitive compensation.

Regulatory Compliance Are Many In the BFSI Sector

Regulatory compliances are extra severe in the BFSI sector. In order to protect customers, the government keeps evolving its policies. These policies have an eye on the financial stability of the nation. Today’s consumers are also more aware and want transparency and accountability.

On the other hand, these compliances are important for financial companies also because it save them from the risks of cyber threats and any future litigations.

But what kind of challenges does it pose for HR managers?

  1. Talent Acquisition and Retention: Finding qualified candidates who are not only skilled but also knowledgeable about compliance requirements is tiresome. On top of that, high turnover rates only increase the difficulty level.
  2. Training and Development: As new innovations and technology advances aren’t enough, continuous training is essential to ensure employees understand and adhere to new regulatory requirements.HR managers must develop comprehensive training programs. These are time-consuming and resource-intensive.
  3. Performance Management: Evaluating employee performance with one eye on their productivity and the other on their compliance adherence is challenging. Many times even good talent needs to go because of non-compliance with various policies.

New technology Demands Cultural Change

Digital transformation has the most impact on the BFSI sector. Because a manufacturing company can keep on using the legacy HR software system. There is no demand from the outside world to change. But not so in the BFSI sector.

The close relationship with customers and their expectations must be met by BFSI companies. As the world is embracing new tech, the sector needs to move with them. Rather preceded them.

Digital transformation is not merely a trend; it is a fundamental shift that is reshaping the way organizations operate and deliver value to their customers. A new culture of quick response and transparency at all levels is expected.

And it’s the responsibility of HR to facilitate this transition effectively.

In an industry running at breakneck speed, it is challenging for HR to nurture the new expectations.

Work-Life Balance Is A Challenge

One of the primary challenges facing employees in BFSI roles is overwhelming workloads that extend beyond traditional office hours. The expectation to be perpetually available— due to technological advancements such as mobile apps and cloud-based systems— has blurred the boundaries between work and home life.

This constant connectivity is leading to increased stress levels, resulting in burnout if not addressed properly.

It affects employee morale and well-being and also impacts retention rates within organizations.

Mental Health And Well-being

One significant issue facing employees in this sector is burnout. Long hours coupled with high-stress responsibilities often lead to physical exhaustion and emotional fatigue.

Employees may find themselves caught in a cycle where they push through their limits due to fear of falling behind or losing their jobs.

Tough targets and the transactional nature of work often create disorientation.

Looking at the above factors, it is clear that the job of an HR manager in the BFSI sector is uniquely challenging.

Now let’s turn to solutions that savvy business owners and HR managers are using to address these challenges–

Employee Pulse Monitoring: A Promising Solution For the BFSI Sector

Employee surveys are not new, but online Employee Pulse Monitoring modules have changed things in a major way. Made the employee feedback system easy and fast.

While the surveys happened slowly, often annually, with today’s user-friendly employee pulse monitoring systems they can be done in real time. These are micro surveys that take only 30–90 seconds. So these happen without any interruption to regular work. And employees can respond anonymously, which makes their feedback honest and genuine. All with a great user experience!

Employee pulse monitoring is being used in the BFSI sector in a big way, as it significantly aids in the retention of employees through several key mechanisms:

  1. Regular Feedback: Pulse surveys allow organizations to gather employee feedback frequently and in a timely manner. This results in identifying issues or concerns before they escalate.
  2. Employee Engagement: When companies actively seek employee opinions and act on their feedback, it demonstrates that they value their employees’ input. This leads to higher levels of engagement and satisfaction. Managing employee expectations is easy this way.
  3. Identifying Trends: Continuous monitoring helps identify trends in employee sentiments. These surveys often reveal underlying issues such as burnout, dissatisfaction, or lack of growth opportunities.
  4. Proactive Interventions: With real-time data, management can implement changes or interventions swiftly to address concerns, enhancing the overall work environment. Not just in theory, we have seen it happening with our clients regularly now.
  5. Career Development: Understanding workforce aspirations and concerns through pulse surveys allows organizations to provide better career development opportunities, which reduces turnover.

Productivity Management Systems

Employees are often away from the office and their work is transactional, so many a time an employee is at a loss, whether he or she is doing well. Is he at par with others?

Now OKR-based performance management systems make a real difference in such scenarios.

  • Alignment of Goals: An OKR-based performance management system ensures that individual and team objectives are aligned with the broader organizational goals. This alignment helps employees understand how their work contributes to the company’s success. It makes the daily grind meaningful. And motivates them.
  • Clarity and Focus: By setting specific, measurable objectives, employees gain clarity on what is expected of them. This clear direction helps them decide, even without senior support, what tasks should get priority. It reduces focus from distractions and enables various teams to concentrate on high-impact activities.
  • Regular Check-ins: The framework encourages frequent check-ins and progress reviews. This ongoing dialogue helps in identifying any challenges early on, and allows for timely course correction.
  • Recognition and Motivation: Celebrating milestones and achievements within the OKR framework boosts morale. Recognizing progress not only motivates individuals but also fosters a culture of appreciation within the organization.
  • Continuous Improvement: The iterative nature of OKRs promotes a mindset of continuous improvement. Teams can learn from their experiences, adapt their strategies, and enhance their performance over time, leading to sustained productivity growth.

A special note about learning and development initiatives!

Everyone knows that employee engagement enhances employee retention and workforce motivation. But here is an important aspect that a senior HR professional in the banking industry highlighted–

Learning and development are important. But most training in the BFSI sector is just about new technology updates and refreshers on old and new policy compliances. These are a must, to keep the work going.

​​​​​​​These trainings don’t motivate an employee. They are interested in competency-building activities that can help them grow as a person and further their career opportunities!

Some of these initiatives are–

  1. Soft Skills Development: Training in communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence.
  2. Leadership development programs: Programs that focus on leadership styles, conflict resolution, and team management that prepare an employee for higher responsibilities.
  3. Mentorship Programs: Pairing employees with mentors can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights into career advancement.
  4. Professional Certifications: Pursuing certifications related to their field can improve knowledge and credibility, making them more competitive.
  5. Workshops on Time Management and Productivity: These can help employees manage their work better, leading to increased efficiency and reduced stress.
  6. Personal Development Courses: Topics such as resilience, stress management, and work-life balance contribute to personal growth.

Chatbots And Mobile Apps

Many SME business owners think chatbots and mobile apps are only for larger organisations. But that’s a MISTAKE. Because in our experience these beauties can help SME organisations with smaller HR teams even more. And even more so in the banking industry and financial services companies.

Chatbots and apps play a significant role in enhancing employee engagement and filling significant information gaps —

  1. Instant Communication: Chatbots provide instant responses to employee queries, reducing wait times and facilitating quicker communication. This helps employees feel heard and supported.
  2. 24/7 Availability: Unlike traditional support, chatbots are available around the clock, allowing employees to access information and assistance whenever they need it. A great help in the BFSI industry where the feet on the street are in large numbers.
  3. Feedback Mechanisms: Chatbots can gather real-time feedback from employees on various aspects of their work environment, helping management make informed decisions.
  4. Training and Development: Apps can deliver training materials and resources directly to employees, making it easier for them to develop skills and advance their careers.
  5. Surveys and Polls: Regular surveys through these platforms can keep a pulse on employee sentiments and engagement levels. It keeps employees engaged with companies. And management responds to employee concerns proactively. Even when they don’t meet in person!
  6. Resource Accessibility: Employees can easily access company policies, benefits information, and other resources via chatbots or apps, leading to increased awareness and utilization of available support.

Mini Events: A Must Requirement For the BFSI Industry

In the fast-paced BFSI sector, it is often difficult to organize longer events and trainings. But smart HR managers use innovative mini-events to engage employees.

These events are usually about 90 minutes long and give a good opportunity to engage employees without interrupting their work.

Short-term mini-events can play a crucial role in boosting employee engagement in several ways–

  • Team building and Collaboration: Mini events like team-building exercises encourage collaboration and strengthen relationships among colleagues.
  • Fun and Relaxation: Engaging in fun activities helps reduce stress and fosters a more relaxed work environment.
  • Learning Opportunities: Hosting short workshops or training sessions allows employees to learn new skills relevant to their roles, keeping them engaged and informed.
  • Spot Recognition: Organizing mini-events to recognize individual or team achievements boosts morale and motivates employees to perform better.
  • Health and Well-being: Activities focused on wellness, such as yoga classes or fitness challenges, show that the organization cares about employees’ well-being, leading to increased satisfaction. And also helps employees tackle burnout issues.
  • Social responsibility Community Involvement: Organizing events that involve social work or community service fosters a sense of purpose among employees. These are even more important for the BFSI sector where money becomes the primary center of concern in work life.
  • Celebrating milestones: Birthdays or festivals create a sense of community and shared values among employees, enhancing their connection to the workplace.

Explore ways of employee engagement to work culture enhancement for upcoming festive season.

The most important factor–

HR teams themselves just can’t overcome these challenges all on their own. Many times the huge numbers and compliance constraints are enough to overwhelm them.

The higher management can help HR teams in managing these challenges well.

1: Create a Tech-Savvy HR team:

A team that can adopt new technologies like AI and machine learning (and many more to come) with confidence. When HR understands the scope and opportunities inherent in new technology they will be in a better position to get these accepted through the length and breadth of organisation.

2: Opt for a better HR automation solution:

It is surprising that many SME organisations in the finance industry depend on desktop software and Excel sheets for attendance and payroll even now. They must immediately shift to cloud-based, employee self-service powered online HRMS systems.

These systems will help them accelerate the hiring process, as well as in better engagement with employees.

Even progressive organisation should go beyond cloud-based attendance and payroll software.

Performance management and employee pulse monitoring modules get integrated with HRMS solutions pretty smoothly. Many clients in the finance industry are integrating these modules with our HRMS and are achieving dramatic results in retention and productivity enhancements.

Conclusion: HR challenges In the BFSI Sector Need New Age Solutions.

Navigating the challenges of the BFSI sector requires a thoughtful approach to HR management. Here are some key takeaways to keep the human spark alive:

  • Embrace Innovative Strategies: Focus on talent acquisition and retention through creative methods that resonate with millennial employees as well as fresh GenZ talent. Online interviews, digital onboarding, and career growth mapping for employees make sense in today’s competitive talent marketplace.
  • Utilize Real-Time Feedback: Create opportunities for employees to express their minds. Implement employee pulse monitoring to gather insights and act on them promptly.
  • Foster Continuous Learning: Provide opportunities for skill development that go beyond mere compliance training.
  • Focus on Well-Being: Prioritize work-life balance and mental health initiatives to prevent burnout.
  • Invest in Better HR Automation Software: Transitioning to cloud-based HRMS solutions and payroll software is easy. Even better invest in employee pulse monitoring and PMS systems.

By adopting these strategies, HR leaders can create a dynamic workplace that attracts and retains top talent, ensuring a vibrant and engaged workforce in this ever-evolving industry.

If you need help in implementing these advanced modules, ask us for a demo today:  91 7700-954949)


Why does technology play such a crucial role in the BFSI sector?

Technology is essential in the BFSI sector because consumers expect fast and efficient services. As the world moves quickly, customers demand instant access to information, seamless transactions, and personalized experiences. Also, the sector deals with vast amounts of data requiring complex calculations for risk assessment, fraud detection, and compliance.

Technology helps meet these demands by automating processes, enabling real-time analytics, and improving service delivery.

What exactly are mini-events?

Mini-events are small, low-budget gatherings or activities designed to engage participants in a specific topic or experience. They can be workshops, webinars, networking sessions, or community events, often lasting only a few hours.

Mini-events typically aim to foster connections, share knowledge, or promote collaboration among attendees, making them ideal for organizations looking to build relationships or enhance skills in a more intimate setting.

For extended explanations with examples, visit our blog:

Why are business leaders so concerned about mental well-being in the BFSI sector? 

Business leaders in the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) sector are increasingly focused on mental well-being due to several factors. High-stress environments, demanding workloads, and the need for strong decision-making involving high stakes can lead to employee burnout and decreased productivity.

Due to this, good talent is migrating away from the industry to other sectors.


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