7 Low Budget Employee Engagement Ideas For MSME Businesses!

Happy and engaged employees are an asset to the organisation. But sometimes being too concerned about budget makes your HR team worry regarding funds for employee engagement.

This is the case with many small and medium-sized businesses.

Here we are presenting an array of fun activities within budget. A little creativity and time are all these activities need. Long-term employee engagement is derived through intangible factors such as:

  • Strong workplace relationships
  • Autonomy
  • Appreciation
  • Feedback
  • Meaning and purpose
  • Rest

Creating employee engagement in the workplace

Fun perks are a fine way to boost morale and build a charismatic brand. But it is only a part of the engagement plan. In this list, we present a mix of intangible and tangible ideas that help drive higher engagement.

The most important aspect of these ideas is their cost efficiency; however, they are not free. It requires dedication and time. It will be a time well spent as you will be working for greater engagement.

Low Budget Employee Blog

Low Budget Employee Engagement Ideas

1. Starting a “newsletter” for employees

A company “newsletter” is an ideal way to broadcast important events and news related to the company. But it is more important that these initiatives should keep employees bound to long-term purpose and boost their emotional connection.

You should use the newsletter to keep workers in the loop. Show them the impact of their work, communicate business needs with them and how they can support and promote other initiatives of the company.

2. Company presentations periodically

There are many ways to keep employees connected to the bigger picture, but an annual update about company activities and achievements makes a huge difference to the engagement level of employees, such as:

  • Workers can be associated with vital milestones and accomplishments of the company.
  • Leaders can recognize important departments and teams.
  • Effective articulation of upcoming goals by company leaders.

When employees work tirelessly for a year then it is motivating for them to listen to the achievements of the company. And obviously, a get-together for employees can boost their feelings of camaraderie.

Apart from this, employees should be given free time to celebrate big wins and build relationships with co-workers as it is vital for engagement.

3. Giving shout-outs to employees on social media.

Companies have their social media pages, particularly on networks like LinkedIn, this gives visibility.

When a company posts about employees on social media, it boosts employee morale, they can reshare such posts so that their friends and family can see them. Secondly, these shout-outs help in developing the public image of the company and also build a strong employer brand.

A proper structure is important for these shout-outs. Ask yourself about the achievements that deserve a social media mention. A nomination system can also be adopted. Establishing collaborations with the marketing department of the organisation or dedicated social media teams can help develop the plan.

4. Flexible schedules

Autonomy is the most engaging factor. Providing autonomy at the workplace includes a certain level of accountability and freedom when the job is done.

COVID-19 forced companies to become more flexible, and WFH became a norm. It eventually made the power of such flexible schedules more apparent. An increasing number of surveys and studies suggested that most employees want to continue from home.

However, this is not the only way to encourage flexibility. There are different ways to promote flexibility.

You can give more autonomy to managers so that they can decode a perfect schedule along with employees which fits in their work-life balance. Indeed, flexible hours of working can do wonders for productivity. We must agree that this is just about promoting a healthy work-life balance via concrete policies.

5. Celebrating anniversaries

Completing one year or two at a place is always special. It is important to acknowledge employee loyalty. The company can do a small celebration for this, they can also give a gift as a token of appreciation.

You can easily allot a small budget for this purpose; managers can host a small lunchtime or snacks along with a heartfelt handwritten note for the employees. This is an inexpensive way to leave a lasting and positive impression.

6. Prioritizing social activities

One major advantage of small businesses is that everyone is familiar with each other. It creates a sense of working with family or friends, as known faces are all around. You can take advantage of this by launching a cultural committee that plans events to bring people closer.

There can be different activities such as board games, barbecues, team lunches and many more. This will create a friendly environment, and it also helps in distinguishing yourself from competitors.

7. Providing freebies

There can be anything in this category, whether it is a basket of fruit, bagels or muffins or anything else. The company should give these freebies to employees every Friday. The most affordable way to improve morale and happiness is delicious and healthy snacks.

However, these perks are not a cure for serious engagement issues. You can think of it as a valuable perk that can inject happiness within the team that has been already collaborative.

Bonus tip: “Think Tank” innovation sessions

One great way to show support towards your employees is by letting them work on special projects that excite them. This will help in innovation, learning, and creativity.

You can take up meetings every quarter or every month with a think tank. You should invite everyone to such meetings to brainstorm ideas.

Hosting a think tank makes employees feel valued and makes them feel that you trust in their ability and expertise. They will be thankful to you for this.

There is no magical way to build a culture out of nowhere. Engagement comes through regular exercise of different procedures.

The most critical engagement drivers are not tangible. Such as there are different essential elements like connection, gratitude, play, growth, learning, openness, rest, and autonomy.

You can design engagement initiatives by yourself; just keep in mind that it must extend to basic human needs. Fortunately, these are mostly inexpensive and affordable.

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